Let's rewind.
I had some issues with Kelly and the kids a few weeks ago when I was on leave. Everyone was yelling at each other. During those 12 days, my head was bleeding due to a nasty cut on my head. Kelly slipped and sprained her back. Both Chloe and Abigail was having diarrhoea.
Something is wrong. Can it be the fengshui of the 6-rod windchimes I bought during Boxing Day 2009 in which I hung up?
I wanted to look for a church that have a Sunday school as I drove around with my head bandaged to my jaw. Managed to spoke with the pastor over the phone.
"Excuse me but does this church speaks in tongue?" I have been skeptical all these while since aged 17 (21 years now since then) that I was schooled at my Methodist alma mater for 13 years. Stories like, it's a gift - and it's not right to ask for it. Possession by the devil instead of the Holy spirit spells D.A.N.G.E.R. Later in life after Baptism by the holy trinity in a Lutheran Church, I avoided churches that have names like Assemblies XX, LatterXX and CalvXXX like a plague. Getting to know my church was struck, I did not turn up pretty much for service and later lost the Sabbath to wet shopping in the neighbourhood.
"Yes, you have a problem with that?", quips the chap over the line.
"No. But I had to ask".
That was it I though. There's hardly anymore decent churches these days. Let alone somewhere to place my 2 monsters to attend a Sunday School in order buy time for Kelly to rest and have adult conversations. This is selfish but hey, if there's free service, why not rite?
And just 2 days ago while on the flight to Langkawi onboard a stiff 90 degree unreclinable seat on AirAsia, Jennifer asked me about the issue on the Herald, a private circulation amongst Catholic church goers and what's the issue on Allah all about. Once at home today, Kelly told me about Han2 wanting to come over but his church was razed. WTF!
Then I googed Han2's church and got these images.

Dispicable! Horrible. Han2's church is not EVEN a Catholic church! That does not matter though but such shame on us Malaysians who have the audacity of a pirate and rapist of a place of worship.
While looking at these pages, the topic of speaking in tongue was in my mind and decided to goog it. I ended up looking at this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezab0vRXpXM
I certainly was not hoping for miracles since my Lutheran church was not able to make me fall to my back, tipped my shoulder so that I should cry etc etc. But I know I follwed and prayed earnestly following it's instructions.
1. Pray to cleanse and rid my sins
2. Acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit that is above me ( now I have this goosebumps as I write)
3. Start vocalising a a few syllable... just perhaps 5-6 syllable before I went....
Berzerk! I was whinning, crying, shouting and started yaberring jimberish... I thought I was in a trance for 10 minutes. But looking back at the video, it was just less than a minute!
Kelly ran up and burst open the door, just to see if I am ok. I was. I was very happy! I told her I just spoke in tongue. AShe left and went back downstairs to be with Abigail.
I felt edified, excited, passionate and filled with energy. I ran down and took my bible upstairs. I just did not know why but I knew what I just did and I wasn't exactly 100% concious.
Afterwhich I send an SMS to my extented family members and close friend who are either mainstream Protestants, Catholic, Charismatic, Latterainian of otherwise, I just could not be bothered how will they respond. I just had to spread news God given me a gift.
Wendy called up minutes later and asked about the incident. I was not in the right frame of mind to talk which church that I should be joining as I need to gather my thoughts and must know how I need to deal with this gift. I do not know now how will I deal with this gift but I am assured that He will find me a way + a guiding light included.
Hallelujah! Praise God!

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