While surfing my calender in my office this morning, my boss strolled in and gave me his HTC S730. Okay it's no TITAN but it's looks all brand new. Boy, was it a surprise! He showed me the reason, it was the Samsung OMNIA in his pocket! Dang.
Well, I told him if he wants the 2nd hand value back (and I was prepared to dig my slim wallet out), he said, "No need". Dang! What does that mean? Was it a gift? Is this a sign that he was trying to engage me and buy loyalty? Currently, I am working with my ex-boss (he's part time now doing some projects for my CEO) and he knows how involved I get with him. He also knows that now my CEO want direct feedback now from me instead of waiting for his sluggish actions.
I'm being too childish. My boss is not that kind of person that buys people over (but he is) or engage a person so that he favours him (saw him doing that before though) or induce someone to change his mind (which he does so convincingly sometimes witout you even noticing it). I have a simpler reason, he need me as his colonel. A colonel that works like a dog for such a measly pay, kick asses and leave his with the praises for the gangly regiment, a colonel that wades through thick mud and booby traps all over the boardroom. Honestly, I willingly and readily do his dirty job without much contention. Damn, I do not only deserve my monthly pay packet but this as a bonus too.
Oh and by the way the Dopod C730 which have served me well for 9 months was from him too! Hahah! It is a good phone and I am considering to give it back to him. In any case, I did exchange my Plam Treo for this C730 - should i give him back or sell it? The last time I check, the Dopod was fetching Rm350 on eBay. To me, it is worth a fair bit more like RM500. This I must consider over a few weeks (until then it becomes a feeble matter and I will forget about it altogether).
Ha! Notice the plural on the title? Yes!
It a white-boxed UK version of the Garmin 610 with Bluetooth capability. A discontinued model since launch in 2007 but I got it for a song! GBP110 including VAT. Bought it over the cyberspace and have it shipped to Bender's abode in Brimingham. Later it was hand-delivered to Ahpek's BIL house. Sent me to just before Hari Raya in time for my Sitiawan trip / holiday / my BIL wedding.
I have actually used Bender's unit before when I was travelling to SIN. Works fantastic and it is very accurate. To make it even more sweeter, Bender bought his unit at GBP150 (saving me 50 quid), I've also asked that Bender to buy me a pouch at 10 quids and a XD 4MB card at RM75. With that 4MB card, I'll squeeze in about 1,000 songs or 5 movies in MP3 format, can I?
So far the white-boxed unit worked fine despite Ahpek's feeble attempt to scare me of the worthlesness of the unit in Malaysia, his stunt roller coaster ride with loose pants containing the unit and his lack of response to my sms pertaining to my delivery of this unit. Ahpek, much obliged. Mucho obrigato amigo!
Thanks also to my bradder (who chooses to remain annonymous for fear of retribution by MALSINMAP)who was kind enough to put me through all the shit-load of guenea-pigging in purchasing, paying and getting it delivered. In anycase, if he had done any good, it was loading the GPS up with MAL SIN maps. Thanks bro!
Now that I am a confirmed widget nerd, I am now empowered to talk crap and shit down on you when it come to widgety gadgets.
Now if I can just configure my calender thingy and by the way, where the heck is the XD card slot har?
Ah "Hia", it's SD card that your sat-nav suported, not XD!
the SD card slot is clearly shown in the pic that u posted, please open wide your a-eye, b-eye and c-eye (a**hole) and re-look to the pic u posted in your own blog, ok?
wahhhh another Gamin kaki!! Please help me to load the Malsing map and save the trouble can?? Hehehhe....
Mine is the lower end unit Nuvi205W which i bought at much higher price, RM1399 and later found out from the forum, some venders are selling for RM1150 only! *bang head*
Btw, give me your old phone!!! Hehehe
B Wei, of course it is an SD card lar. I purposefully say litat wan mar.... to show that I am not keeng chao, only chuung niah.... ur' the real sifat..., eh, sifu....kekkekeke
M, Gip u my old henpon? U slow2 wait har? I got opper from Harry at RM350 osso I dun hiew aa...
Kekekek....my unit lagiii cheaper! hehe....wait until I tell u the price, u'll scream your head off! Muahahahah!
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