Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ahpek's Defining Moment in His Culinary Career

Fun night but I am not sure for Ahpek and Mdm Lee. They seem harried and I am sure their home is in a total mess with BBQ sticks and worms crawling out from their marinate plastic container. Like I put it to Ahpek, it was the best compliment that his friends would give - the food was finished. Regardless whether it was tasteless or extremely good - it was finito, comprende amigo? My grandma would be proud of him.

Arrived early and was quite taken back about the tropical jungle that was about to greet us. It has gazebos and a lake, besides the BBQ pit. Looks great but there was 4 mosquitoes that Kelly smacked at at the expense of my dermal "susceptability".

I saw Banana in Kepong being the first to arrive with Ahpek's friend, Arthur busy litting up mozzy fogs. The the mozzies was XL in size and travelling in schools! I was preped in long pants and got the whitest shirt I had in my closet.

Then Ahpek's kawan turn up in numbers while all the Scumbags are fashionably late as usual. Came Harry with his Ahmad, Stig and Steph - they brought the spaghs. Then Jun Hao trooped in with his utensils and soda pops. Bender arrives with his corn and spuds. Then came Sudesh with Jane and friend bringing up the wine. Russie and Anne brought the worst tasting salad which I don't see him dishing up any on his plate. Darn you Rusell, wash your hands before you handle ye food! Pang showed up solo with his 2nd wife, the A4. I saw some sake, some meehoon, a carton of beer of course compliments from AhBeng, Harry and me.

We've had some wild honey marinated chicken thigh, beef au hard broiled and lamb ala pek's. Ahpek, please buy the conventional honey with full of processed sucrose for artificial flavour, wild honey DOES NOT WORK! Whacked 2 pieces without much complaints though. Had some lamb chops while harry's watching the pit.

No music, no masquerade - just good food and good company. We missed Ahpek giving a speech though. The beer made us merry too.
Stig and Steph was under scrutiny for their el'passe for the last few months. 10 days/90 days.... hmm... What was that again? Personal space? Stig, time to get your own pad man. You're too ugly to be staying with your momsy and daddy-o.

Russie was forced to drop this mask infront of Anne when he was questioned about his rendezvous in Hotel Sri Petaling every night after our badminton session. Russie, you cannot blame us. Our hands were tied and the truth eventually gave way - we did our best like any good friends would do.

The heaven beckons our departure at 9.30pm. Chloe bid adieu to each Scums of the earth and bade them goodnight.

My gang and I had fun, thanks for being a great host Pek! Thanks for the company too. You guys are fun! Err... time for me to piss the uric acid off my system... **Hicks**


Anonymous said...

Missed it
miss u all
miss chloe

Ian Tan said...

tengkiu tengkiu ...

Anonymous said...

same lah puppy...i missed it as well.....not in town....arrggghhh...

Superbum said...

Next time dun miss our function lorh ;)