Okay I admit that I do sometimes feel like fasting with our Moslem friends to see how far my patience can actually stretch. It is common amongst faiths descended from Abe to fast, Buddhist monks to go on no food and water for days (yes, water for days) or even Mahatma Gandhi which have such will to ensure the Brits gets the idea they are not welcomed and get the fuck out of India. This whim happened only to me when the Moslems in Malaysia go fasting. This will continue to become a whim as long as my spirit does not have the will power. Put it another way, even if my sprit is willing, the flesh is not willing. I have to have uric and lactic acid build in my temple of trash.
Last weekend was a test of fasting of sorts. The gang and I decided to head out to Mid Valley to find some good deal on the home decoration fair – be it wallpapers or paint, wrought iron grilles to engineered wood. Dandily, we parked out car and just before I lock the car, panic struck me. I checked my wallet, there wasn’t a single ringgit in my wallet. Kelly took all the money out from my wallet for Sunday morning wet shopping at Taman Midah. Nope, no ATM cards as well. At that time I was prepared to use my credit card and have lunch but heck, what about the parking? I frantically search my super gay-pink coin pouch but I left it at home. Not even a single cent!

Locked our car and sat ourselves silly and started to call my sister who is known to prowl this mall on weekends if they were coming. Nope, not today. I was truly stuck in Mid Valley with my family. Boy, I have not felt so stupid in many years now. The though of asking a retailer to charge more into my CC and taking a balance was also there but I thought that wasn’t too ethical and wonder if these retailers are willing to do so. I have decided to send a lengthy text message to my friend who would probably make a visit here. I must have sent around a dozen of them.
As I waiting for response, Kelly was so stressed up. Chloe have not had breakfast and Abigail was getting cranky. Kelly felt responsible for taking out the stash from my wallet but of course, she wasn’t to be blamed – I should have checked my wallet. Calls came in, first up it was my uni-mate, Ah Kow (yes, the dog, not a puppy but literally a biatch with testicles) called and told me he’s heading towards the Summit and will drop me some cash. Grabbed my first offer. I felt obligated yet a feeling of remorse as I seldom call him and when I do, he responded to my rescue. I’m a half-bred canine if he’s a biatch!
Next up was PuPPy. He sms-ed me and told me he’s heading my way. Well that’s before he threw some sarcastic remarks of how early I was shopping already in Mid Valley. Well that’s PuPPy for you. He had the foresight to text me if help was already on the way that I should text him back so he can go to his favourite haunt in 1 Utama. Yah, you biatch – high street shopping for this pedigree. Looking back if my wife had wanted to do shopping in 1 Utama and if I were to divert to Mid Valley, I would. Okay, you biatch – not such a great deal too. I would have done that for you too. *Snigger*
It was KPM a.k.a Mr Wong Yee Liang who finally called and said he will be there during lunch time with a friend. He was also closest to me in Sungei Besi having breakfast with his friend. I made sure that he was in no way have inconvenienced him, I took his offer and rejected both the biatches as they were still at home.
He finally came in a Proton Edar-stickered Waja in which I cannot miss and grabbed RM50 from him. Much obliged KPM. You have truly saved me and my family from inflicting more self-pity onto ourselves.
Of course, everyone responded. Each and everyone I text responded without fail. Some were late to repond and some were pitiful but everyone responded. For this I am forever so grateful and touched, even their thoughts counts. Thank you my friends.
Kelly and I shared the same thoughts. We are caught by the fact that we have not a single cent. We are deprived of buying an ice-cream for our girls, have a small meal or even pay for the parking. These thoughts of having no money was evident and so surreal. Our thoughts went hyperdrive and started to think about the poor family who had not even the means to have a proper decent meal, let alone the lavish things that RM50 can provide. We were humbled and our poor childhood crept in. Indeed we are remorseful on how we spend money treating ourselves mad. Even by putting it this way, it is an understatement. We should really count our blessings and make each day and meal count. For tomorrow we may never have it again.
Is this what we should be feeling when you fast? Being deprived of the things that you love to do? Eat, shop and sex too? I think it is. I have a new-found respect for the poor.
p/s BTW, we had McDonald with some cut-out McChicken coupons instead of Tai Thong dim sums and paid for the parking. To make you proud, we did not buy anything else!