I have lost count how many times we have stayed and visited Avillion, Port Dickson. However, evertime we visit it, it looks different and has something new to offer. This time, we went there on the 1st day of the Hungry Ghost month and it is said that the 1st Day is where the Gates of Hell opens it door and spirits are left to roam on earth.
I was in Admiral Marina in the afternoon for a meeting and brought the gang there. I left them at APD and came back in time for dinner. Kelly was not too happy about me leaving them for a meeting elsewhere.
Dinner was in PD town a few stone's throw away for the Pasar Malam. We had Curried Paku-Pakis, Stir Fried Sliced Fish with some vege, oysters omelet and ku-lou-yuk. Cost me about RM35. Those dishes can feed 3 adults but we were hungry. Very good meal, best I had so far in PD and without paying any tourist price. I will recommend this place to my colleagues next week when we have our HR Conference there. The place we had our dinner was a detached shop lot, not hygienic but Kelly was ready to put up with it. Family workers and the kitchen is in the front and full monty for all to see. The kitchen was relatively clean, I've seen much worse a kitchen before.
We bought some fish keropok, corn and a pair of RM10 sandals for Kelly. Cheap! I'd rather buy stuffs like that here than near the beaches or the hotel. We even went to the Store and have a look see. We kinda pity the shopowners as the business was appalling. Kelly and I tried to put our thinking caps on and see what sort of life we would have in a sleepy town like PD. No life! No shopping complex and I will turn into an uncle sitting at coffee shop with my legs on a stool drinking kopi-o-kow. Sorry mate, not my cup of tea.

We went back to our hotel and wanted to walk around taking some shots. Chloe was dying to go back to the hotel room and play Princess Bed and Abby was getting restless (and weighty too!) Nevertheless, we still managed to walk around and found a wedding taking place. 7 tables by the beach. This couple must have been bored with ties and shoes. Something similar to a gwailo wedding, they were walking kaki-ayam style. The MC was so cocky and wasn't much fun, at times he was just bordering nasty. The coupled must have done him wrong somewhat. So you single people out there who wants me to become your MC, you better think twice!
While taking some shots like these... (BTW, good hor?)

I took one that looks like this. Aiyoh, Kelly was so terrified that while I was driving, she asked, "I just want to ask lar hor... if you took any pictures of something that you shouldn't in APD" while on our way back to Mantin. What do you mean? I took pictures of people taking a bath? Gosh, have my of any sorts have not been fully revealed to my dear wife as yet?
Good gracious, what could it be? Haiya... ghost only niah....kekkekek... nothing my prayer or my exorcism acts could not handle larh.
Went back to Room 606 at the Cochin finger, whack a few green tinnies and I dunno what happen liao. I slept like a pig and a dog combined. I have always slept well in APD. The rooms are rebuild especially the wooden portion of it. New flooring, roof trusses, bed and wardrobe. they maintain them quite well though for other portions which are made out of tiles, bricks etc.
Woke up and finally saw the gym under construction, doesn't it look like a sore thumb jutting out in grey? I hope they will paint it.
A view from the balcony. My neighbour was trying to peep through and look at my 8 pieces of prime beef, albeit now all rolled into one big beer gut. Nevertheless, I think she was overwhelmed by my handsome voice. Bah, humbug... looks like rain is underway. It rained the whole morning. Kelly was undecided whether we should head out onto the beach before it pours or head out to the restaurant for breaky.

We finally decided to make a mad-dash to the restaurant located about 300m away and greeted with this...
...and this too...

Pity Kelly, she had to climb over it. Who does not dear? An earful again. Breaky was OK. Nothing fantastic to eat though. My sunny side up ended up in fried egg. But the cheese and nasi lemak was face-saving.
Nothing to eat? What is wrong with you daddy?
Abby enjoying her breaky. Can she eat or what? 
We sat around and watch people. We saw some Koreans, Gwailos, Pak Arabs, Stinkapurians and Taiwanese. we're the only Malaysian there whacking nasi lemak. Nothing could dampen our spirits when the gang and I are together.

There was this chap who was busy sweeping the floor. Wonder why he did that despite the rain still hammering the side walk. Ah, it must be for the guests so the humpty-dumpty ones might not fall and APD will not get sued.
Raining mar...nothing to do so sleep on daddy's tummy lorh!
Finally, a break in the heavens for the lights to shine. Battle stations everyone! Swimsuit attire.
***My bags are packed and I am ready to go*** 
On da way to the beach...
Someone decided to gatecrash...
Swell time for my fountain for joy! 
You think I might need some suntan lotion?
We quickly check out to reach mantin for lunch with Kelly's mom. We have had better holidays but this is probably the first for Abigail. Ghost or no ghost, we hope she had fun as much as we did.